Everyone who's interested in Asian cosmetics and makeup product probably heard about Ulzzang or Gyaru.
For those who are new to the subject:
Ulzzang is a popular South Korean term literally meaning "best face" or "good-looking". Originally used as a slang term, this word in the English lexicon has evolved into describing a person that follows specific style of fashion. They usually have large eyes, fair skin, small noses and mouths, as well as the typical 'V'. The typical hairstyles include anything from a pixie haircut to very long. Usually including bangs, curls, loose buns, waves, and many more other interesting hairstyles that are achieved quite simply.
Gyaru is a Japanese transliteration of the English word "gal", it is a girly-glam style, breaking away from traditional standards of beauty by dwelling on the man-made (wigs, fake eyelashes, fake nails, etc.). Gyaru fashion is typically characterized by having heavily bleached or dyed hair (mostly shades from dark brown to blonde), excessively decorated nails, and dramatic makeup. The makeup typically consists of dark eyeliner, fake eyelashes and cosmetic circle lenses so as to create the illusion of large, anime-like eyes.
If someone ask me which one I prefer, I would say Ulzzang. But not so long time ago it would be Gyaru!^^ I guess it's because I'm getting older (T_T) and my personal preferences are changing.
I used to like Gyaru for those amazing eyes!! But now I'm thinking to myself: "Gosh, that's a lot of makeup for one face!" Now I prefer more natural look, exposing beautiful, healthly and fresh skin. And that's the reason why I like Ulzzang more.
And you, are you Ulzzang or Gyaru? (^_^)
(* I didn't mean to insult anybody with this post, and all the explanation of terms came from Wikipedia).